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Jasri Tourism Village



Tourist Attraction Information

Jasri village is one the tourism villages in Karangasem Regency, Bali 80811.<br>Jasri Pakraman village located about +/- 70 kilometers from Denpasar. Its has amazing natural scenery and a traditional life that is still sustainable to this day.

Jasri tourism village with tradisional life and this is unique tradition which still kept by local society. Jasri village is also presented cultural performen local people called this tradition with Ter-Teran or fire war which carried out every year, one day before nyepi (Pengrupukan Day). To witness these rituals, you must come to Jasri Village before and after the religions holiday.

If you visit on a normal day, you can see the prosess of making dodol. socation and pottery directly carried out by local residents.

Operational Hour

Cost Details



Transport Options and How to Travel

Road Conditions

Tips For Visiting

You must visit to Jasri one day before nyepi, so you can find a unique tradition, one of which thrive in the Jasri village called a fire war

Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia

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